Calgary Science School
A school whose philosophy claims to bring the natural world and the digital together, "infused with ubiquitous access to laptops, an exciting environmental and outdoor education program". I wonder if this is possible. I wonder if there is truly something unique happening here, or is this simply a traditionally modelled school with access to money and permission to deny unwanted students entry.
The web-page confirms a 'placement test' and waiting list of over a thousand students. It is a publicly funded school and so unlike the private model should avoid some of the issues of a tiered education system based on parental income that exists in the UK and United States. A look at the Calgary Science School blog suggests great things are happening. In fact, it is a site full of ideas and worth exploring:
Is this school truly something different? I don't know, I would like to arrange a visit in the fall and find out for myself.
But, it does fulfill the mandate of providing a different model that will challenge students. Are students engaged because they are engaged students to begin with? Probably.
Is it worth pouring the considerable resources into a single school like this? Is it fair? Again. I don't know.
Online, this school looks amazing. So - why aren't there more of them?
I think you ask great questions, Stephen, and your skepticism is a healthy thing. I also wonder about how innovative it might actually be, and waiting lists of 1000 don't impress me; in fact they concern me as a marketing tool. I wonder, not who gets in to the program, but who doesn't. And who doesn't even bother applying?