Consider the MOOC. No, not Douglas Rushkoff’s Mook from Jackass - the MOOC. Massive Online Open Course. Less obnoxious, less male. In 1991 John Taylor Gatto published an article titled “ The Six-Lesson Schoolteacher ”. The piece outlined six tenants of schooling that Gatto claimed were universal in traditional schooling. If you haven’t read it - please do. Click on the hyperlink. Trust me. You’ll laugh. Now, we know from Craig Watkins that to successfully master technology, access is not enough - scaffolding, mentoring and modelling are all necessary to increase learning potential. And, one of the great travesties in education is the hierarchical access to learning around the globe. Since this hierarchy leads to less mentorship for lower income learners, we need an alternative. If we agree that the alternative also has to respond to Gatto’s six lessons - we must consider the MOOC: 1) Stay in the ...
Attempts to track some of the models available beyond the the traditional classroom. We have other options. What are they? Please comment, question, criticize. Your input is welcome.