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Showing posts from 2012

Game Theory

When we consider video games, it is important to check our bias' at the door.  There has long been evidence of game playing benefits.  Now, with a culture of young people deeply entrenched it is time to do a better job harnessing this promising approach to learning. Gamification and GBL Presentation to Unitec from Paul Pivec

A Sense of Place

"A Sense of Place" is an audio discussion based on the experience of two students (Tannis Eamonn and Jeff Tang) and two instructors (Dr. Wilson and Dr. Schwier) in the University of Saskatchewan's ETAD program.  This piece examines the idea of disappearing space in education as online and blended learning remove the geographic necessity from organised education.  Is place still important? +/-

Charter Schools

A telling quotation from the 2004 program evaluation on charter schools in the United States.  The failure to offer something comprehensively different to that which already exists can probably be held as the number one failure of the structure.  If there is no quantifiable difference in instructional strategies between Charater Schools and traditional forms of schooling then why support the the higher cost model during economic downturns? "Instructional Strategies. While charter schools have the opportunity to use alternative instructional strategies (e.g., distance learning), 91 percent of the charter schools surveyed in 2001-02 used classroom based instruction as their primary instructional delivery method" Report here